My Mission Statement

To Bring People to a Resourceful State by Creating Software that has Business Value. To Add Value and Make a Better Version of You along with Your Personality. Make You an Unforgettable Person, Growing Person, A Leader, A Better Team Player, A Better Sales Person, and above all providing you the Right Resources.

About Me

Passionate Programmer fluent with Programming Skills. Read more than 400+ Books to learn Technologies. Enjoy Developing Apps that have a Business Value. Digital Marketing and Software Engineering. Learned Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Marketing from Books. Enjoy Reading Books and Ability to Learn Anything at a Rapid Pace. Understands that Success is knowledge of purpose in life, growing to reach maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefits others. I am a FreeLancer, Software Engineer, Software Architect. Technologies well-versed with :- C,VC++, C#, VB, Python, IronPython, Java, Javascript, PHP. Dot Net, Dot Net Core, Win32 API, MFC, Windows Forms, WxWidgets, WxPython, core, WCF, WPF, Spring, Django, Node.js, Express Js, Symfony, Laravel. Sql, Mysql, sqlite, postgresql, Analysis Services, Integration services. Bootstrap, Jquery, Jquery UI, Backbone, Angular, Knockout. SAP. I Understand Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Teamwork, Marketing, PythonAnywhere.



Leadership Can Be Taught, but everyone does not have the same grasping power...

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Teamwork is meant to be shown and not thought about. If You are struggling with your Teammates...

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113,869 Total Visits
Blog Posts for Category : Self-help | 32 Posts
Matter of a few days - Thode dino ki baat hai
Write Your Mission Statement
What's the formula of depression?
A Few Leadership Concerns
What's the Secret to Leadership
Tony Robbins Resourcefulness Is The Ultimate Resource
How to be a good salesman
The Power
How to Improve your Communication
A Real Magic
Now is the right time to adapt
The Secret Applied Practically
The Secret to Self-Learning
How to change for the betterment of you
The Secret to My Writing
A Hobby That Matters
A Few Digital Marketing Concerns
What exactly is Digital Marketing all about
Dale Carnegie on Find Yourself and Be Yourself
A Better Person, The Road to Success and The Best Ability
Father Forgets
Lifes Important Lesson - A Roadmap for Success
How to Create a Professional Demeanor
How to Develop a Good Self-Image
Create Achievable Goals
Power of Passion
Dreams and Reality Duo
Your Real Value
Marketing For Dummies