What do I need to do to work in a team?
What do I need to focus on to work in a team?
Where is my true potential hidden?
A team is a team is a team. That was said by Shakespeare.
If we have to Create an impact in a company or community we have to focus on a few things which we will call as values or laws. Laws are essential which we call as guidelines to Create an environment that is more than just a work ethic. We have seen people who are just working hard with a strong work ethic and not displaying the right results. We need more than just a work ethic to move in a direction that is beneficial to us. We need to Create our path and stay right on it to reach to our goals. If we are to survive as a team then we must be proud of ourselves and the laws which could help us be a great community. Everyday focus on these laws to help us move with a rhythm and display the results that are essential for the team. These laws must be commandments, the do's and the dont's that help us identify what is right and wrong. Laws not only guide us but also help us communicate what we need to do. It is when these laws are followed we will become better as a team and outshine with results. We are a team as a family, a sports team, a company, or even a community. It is through these laws that we will achieve the impossible feats. Everyday make it a ritual to follow these laws and make them a North Star that guides you through tough times. If you have faced some teamwork issues then these laws will be helpful to you in every possible manner. Haven't we all been a part of a bad team which failed to deliver the results? Everyone of us. I would strongly suggest that as you go through these laws try to introspect when you had witnessed bad teamwork and check if these laws could be proven helpful in that situation. Think of this book as a retrospection of your past problems of Teamwork that you had faced. If you are lucky enough then some of these laws are already known to you. But in any way this book will be helpful to you in every possible way that you can imagine for teamwork related issues. This is the best time for you to just look back on your past where these laws could have helped you. I'm sure you will enjoy every bit of this book. This is my sincere hope that these laws could be like a gold mine that could help you tackle teamwork related issues. If I was to describe these laws in simple word then they all stand the law of gravity. These laws are like law of gravity. Jump of a cliff and you will believe in the law of gravity. These laws are as equally important as the law of gravity. When you don't follow these laws you will face the consequences. They might be severe or not but you will come to terms with these laws in a friendly manner that can be used practically with a team. These are laws that could be important whether your in educational, political, or any community. These laws also stand the test of time, or any country or religion. These laws will govern your fate with the team. I will speak about these laws and will not leave you stranded with just feel good or a motivational speech that just makes you feel good and leaves you forgetting what I said the next day we depart. I will give you these laws as something you can put to Practice and move ahead further in your career. Every single day will be like a paradise whence you follow these laws. There will be no time when things will go out of hands and you will not be baffled by the tasks ahead of you in your daily work. Life will be better with the team you dream to work with, for better results, greater impact, for making a difference, choosing to do things that matter. Every single day you will feel like you own your time with the laws in place. They will be easy to understand and speak about. With that said these laws by itself can be used to create an entire book that could help people in another generation as well. They will be the only missing puzzle in your life within a community or a team. But suffice to say that these laws will stand as pillars of your dreamwork. You will be just a few days away from successful teamwork. You will be able to teach these laws to others and write books about them. Every single day you will find yourself with these laws in the brighter side of your life. These laws will guide you like a compass and direct you in every beneficial manner. If you see these laws clearly you will make the right decisions and choose the right solutions to solve your daily problems. Don't let teamwork issues hinder you from achieving success. Just think about the last time you were part of a bad teamwork and try to check if any of these laws could have helped you through that problem. You will be astound to know that this book would have just been at your disposal earlier then you wouldn't have had faced the consequence of the teamwork that was a mess. These laws will help you and will help you proceed further in your career. These laws will take you to another level with your team. I have learned these laws and have understood these laws for a long time. These laws are a gold mine for everyone. If you learn these laws properly you will be able to teach these laws someday to another generation. These laws will help you guide others. There will be obstacles that you will be able to conquer in days. These laws will guide you throughout your life and as you use them more in your day to day life, you will see them clearly and these laws will be at the back of your head to solve issues. The laws that I am about to give you will be your best resource for your dreamwork. Remember you need to put yourself in a Resourceful State to show results and hope that these laws will guide you as a North Star.
The Law of TEAM'S potential
Being alone and doing things all by yourself won't gather any attention
If you want to do big things then pair up with others. It's a worthy goal and a worthy team that will get you attention. Don't be alone and do things all by yourself. It's never about one person but rather as many people you can gather to work efficiently. Link up, pair up, energize others and get energized by them. Team will be able to do miracles if you can gather yourself and be a part of a team. Never be egoistic or insecure to join a team. Even an introverted person can show results in a team. Even if your temperament or nature is different you still can be a part of a team. Never underestimate the potential of a team. When you're alone there is no one to link up with. No sharing of skills or passion or excitement. The only condition That's important for this law is that it should be a worthy goal or purpose. Does it benefit others and me? Is the goal worth achieving? Can I show results with the team in a better way than doing it alone? That's the law of team's potential.
Pair up, link up, stand with others and be relational.
You can be good but you are not that good. In other words a team is a greater whole than one person. It can be for the greater good for others and the team. No one ever accomplished a worthy goal all by himself. He did it with others help and will also be able to help others. Be bigger with others than alone. Be a part of a team than by yourself. Be a part of a worthy goal along with others passion. That is what counts at the end. One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No one has ever achieved real value by being alone. It was a result of many others behind that person. If you still lack confidence in pairing up with others then build a strong faith than fear and believe in your skills. Pray to God, believe in yourself, believe in your potential, see value in others, and celebrate teamwork. Positive Thinking will take you further. Remember that Faith is stronger than Fear. If we believe in the team we can achieve things unimaginable than working alone. Make it a community. Celebrate victories, turn failures into stepping stones to success. Norman Vincent Peale has great books on Positive Thinking. That's what you need The Power of Positive Thinking. Be a chain that is strong enough to hold any tension. Focus on teamwork through tough times that will become the team's defining moments. You can if you think you can. Whenever you send negative thoughts to your brain that you can't do something that's going to turn out to be true. Send positive thoughts to your brain that you can achieve the results and it will turn out to be true. Whenever you find yourself thinking about a negative thought, immediately replace it with a positive thought. Never let negative thoughts stop you in any possible manner. You can reach your potential by positive thinking. Expect the best and get it. Believe that Faith will conquer your fears. That's what matters with the team. A worthy goal, a worthy team, a worthy result that benefits everyone. That's the law of Team's Potential.
The Law of The Greater Good
Sacrifice for the Greater Good of the Team
When it comes to achieving goals we all are responsible for the big picture of the team. The Goal is more important than the Role. If we need to show results we have to sacrifice personal agenda for the team whenever necessary. Everyday look at the big picture of the team. What's the team's results? What do we need to sacrifice? What is the requirement of the team? How can we maximize the results? See the big picture. Size up the situation. Line up the needed resources. Call up the right players. Give up personal agendas. Step up to a higher level. Everyday focus on the big picture of the team, the greater good of the team. Everyday sacrifice for the greater good of the team. There will be a time when you will see the results for the sacrifices in the longer run. If the greater good is ignored then the results will be sacrificed and there will be turnover for the team. People will lose momentum and goals will be sacrificed. So sacrifice personal agendas for the greater good. If a team is continually sacrificing for the greater good the results are a definite assurance. No one can hurt the team if sacrifices are made. There will be no personal agendas more important than the greater good. Period. Make it a ritual to see the Greater Good of the team. If still you are struggling to see the big picture then pray to God in tough times. Keep Positive Thinking for the Big Picture. See the Personal agendas as a temporary uneasiness for the greater good. Believe in yourself and your potential. Believe in your mission. And you will definitely be positive and see the big picture.

The Law of Adding Most Value
Stay in your strength zone and maximize your impact on the team
We all have gift zones, a skill in us where we can add the most value to the team. We can choose to focus on tasks which are not in our gift zones or tasks that can help us create a maximum impact on the team. There is no such thing as one can do anything or everything. No person can do anything. We are placed in a strength zone or weak zone. We need to ensure that we are placed in a role where we can create the maximum impact. Once you know your strength zone, look to excel in your zone that will create great results. Once this happens you will grab people's attention and you will be noticed for your achievements. Never underestimate the power of your potential. Believe in yourself and your potential. Believe that you can grow in your strength zone and create maximum impact.
The Wrong Person in the Wrong Place = Regression
The Wrong Person in the Right Place = Frustration
The Right Person in the Wrong Place = Confusion
The Right Person in the Right Place = Progression
The Right People in the Right Places = Multiplication
That's the law of Adding Most Value.
No matter what happens don't let people decide your position. Know your weaknesses and strengths and stay in your strength zone. If you stay in the weak zone you will become a puppet for other people's work. Know yourself, Grow yourself and stay in the strength zone forever. That's the law of Adding Most Value.

The Law of The Lhotse
Size up the team according to the size of your dream
Lhotse, is the fourth highest mountain in the world at 8,516 meters. There is no such dream team as one size fits all. Not any size team can be right for any challenge. Every team member must become better to achieve the results. Every leader must be changed if he can't change for the better of the team. Every ineffective team member must be replaced. We need to carry with ourselves what's required for the dream and give up what's not important. The team must do every thing to measure up to face the size of the dream. It could be sacrificing temporary goals for the dreamwork. Not everyone must move further in the dream. Do what's necessary for the dream. It could be giving up anything that must be given up. That's the Law of The Lhotse.
Every person can get lost if the challenge for the team escalates. Focus on the mission of the team and give up every possible thing to move further. This is the most important law for achieving the dreamwork or consequences must be paid. It could be a project failure. The end of the goal and mission. Period. Move in every possible way ahead to achieve the results. Improve team members, get in key players, improve the leader or remove the leader, or also removing the ineffective team members, or even promoting a team member from the team to a team leader. As the challenge escalates the need for teamwork escalates.

The Law of The Challenged Team Member
The Results will be affected by the invalid member
There is no place for a weak or invalid person in the team. However a team can have a weak player. Develop the person or trade him. There is no place for incompetent team players. There is no place for average people. You are showing results or your making the team suffer. Nobody can change a weak person into a strong one without an effective process. So the weak player must be removed or developed. There will be other team members who will resent him, doubt the team leader's ability to lead him, they will have to help him, they will become less effective with him. There will be players who will not take the journey, who should not take the journey, and who are not capable to take the journey. If you are a leader who sees the best in people then leave the recruitment of people for someone else. This law can be your greatest asset for delivering performance, because if a weak player is replaced it could be a matter of achieving victory. So be in charge of this law as a leader and a team. That's the law of the challenged team member.

The Law of The Go-To ( Champion ) Players
The TEAM's Potential is in the hands of Team's Champions
Every team can show results if the key players have the ball in their hand. Not every one should carry the ball, not every player can carry the ball, only the key players should carry the ball. Every player cannot carry the ball for their egos. If the players don't know what needs to be done they need to depend on the key players. When it comes to qualities of key players they have certain characteristics that are in everyone - Intuitive, Communicative, Passionate, Talented, Creative, Initiating, Responsible, Generous, Influential.
If a team doesn't have key players the performance will suffer at tough times. Gather as many champions as possible. Key players can be counted on, they can develop other key players and they can outshine the team with results. That's the Law of Go-To players.
The Law of TEAM's Vision
The Journey is fun when we know where we are headed and what needs to be achieved.
Life is already full of priorities and schedules everday. Hence we need a clarity of vision that guides us as a North Star. We need to know where we are heading and what needs to be achieved. Technology, Leadership, Management - all these won't help us if we don't have a clear vision. Nobody will understand why and what is been done without knowing the vision. Vision must be displayed in front of the team every now and then so that the team doesnt get lost in the daily activities. At times the team doesn't achieve results when it doesn't understand what is being done. This could be not a clear sight of daily activities or the big picture. When the product is right and innovative it could be a matter of right marketing. So without a clear vision the team could be lost. As soon as the marketing problem is resolved the product will be sold in the market. Hence focus on the vision.

So you need the 5 directions of vision;-
Look Above
Look Within
Look Behind
Look Ahead
Look Around
Look Beyond

Now comes the part what does a vision look like:-
It needs to have a clarity of goals.
It should bring the past, present and future together. 
It should contain The Mission. 
It should contain The Goal.
It should be Earnest.
It should contain Relationships.
It should contain The Hardships.
It should display Zest.
It should display the Modeling.
It should contain The Strategy.

The Law of Bad Attitude
Bad Attitude destroy the team and compounds at a faster rate than ever.

Attitude is either your best friend or your worst enemy. When one team player has a bad attitude it spreads throughout the team players. So watch for such players and show them what needs to be done and how to maintain the right attitude. Bad atitude can destroy the team, it compounds when exposed to others, it compounds faster than good ones. Attitude is subjective so identifying a wrong one cam be difficult. Worst attitude, when left alone can ruin everything.

How to identify if you have a bad attitude?

Do you....

Think that team can't get along without you?
Think secretly that the team successes are attributable to your personal efforts and not the work of the whole team?
Think you keep score when it comes to praise and perks handed out to the other team members?
Have a hard time admitting your mistakes?
Bring up past wrongs from your teammates?
Believe that you are being grossly underpaid?

If you are a leader of the team player showing bad attitude then show him how to maintain the right attitude and if it changes then proceed with the team else remove him from the team.

The Law of Dependability
How much can the team count on you?

We need to be a dependable or a countable team player. How do we do that by these 5 things:-

Character + Competence + Commitment + Consistency + Cohesion = Dependability

How are you as a team member in the above areas?

Is your Integrity unquestioned?(character)
Do you perform your work with excellence?(competence)
Are you dedicated to the team's success?(commitment)
Can you be depended on every time?(consistency)
Do your actions being the team together?(cohesion)

If you are a team leader of a team then do the folowing:-

Deve!op pride in group membership
Convince your group that they are the best
Give recognition whenever possible
Encourage organizational mottos, nameer, symbols and slogans
Establish your group's worth by examining and promoting its history and values
Focus on common purpose
Encourage your people to participate in activities together outside of work.

Follow the above activities to develop dependability.

The Law of TEAM's Badge
The Badge has a price and it must be paid as and when required.

You want teamwork then pay the price for the team's badge or team's glory.  The price must be paid by everyone, at all times, and as and when required.

The price must be paid by sacrificing, investing time, personal development, unselfishness.

Be willing to give up personal goals, put off personal goals and part (quit) the team for the better of the team.

The leader needs to be willing financial sacrifices, keep growing, empower others, make difficult decisions for the sake of the team.

Once you show the willingness to pay the price for the team you have shown the credibility to ask others to do the same. You can then show the team how you made sacrifices for the team then you can show the team why and how to do it. Then set an example for other teammates.

The Law of Scoresheet
To Move ahead we must know the current position of the team.

The Scoresheet helps us assess our current situation. The Scoresheet helps in adjustment. When we adjust we move with momentum. And measure again to move further ahead with momentum again. This scoresheet cycle repeats till we win.

Scoresheet helps understanding, to evaluating, to decision making, to adjusting, to winning.
Every team has different measurements, know what's right to measure and then you will know the power of scoresheet.

The Law of TEAM'S Reserved Power
The Backup power helps team at crucial times.

This law is most important during the team's journey. It could be a matter of winning when the backup power is placed right. Backup power will be tomorrow's players, backup power can multiply the player's power, backup power is more in numbers than the team's power, backup power placed correctly will be more important than team's power, backup power gives the leader more options, backup power is called upon at critical times.

Backup power has the following key questions:

Who is joining the team?
Are you developing the team?
Who is leaving the team?

When recruiting the team use the six P's:-

Personality, Passion, Pattern, Potential, Profile and Placement.

The Law of TEAM's Shared Values
Shared Values create a profile for the team.

When the team comes to a common ground with shared values it come to a mutual understanding between teammates. It acts like a glue, a foundation, a ruler, a compass, a magnet and  an identity. Without the shared values the teammates travel alone. It is essential to create an understanding what's important handlebars not.

For example:- it could be the following:-

Personal Growth
Adding Value
Power of Partnership
Practice of Raising Up and Developing Leaders
Proper Stewardship of Organization
Purpose of Glorifying God

The Law TEAM's Communication
When we interact we show action

This is the most important law to move further together as a team. If we leave a few teammates behind the team suffers. Whether it's between teammates, between team and leader or between the team and the public. Interaction connects people and the team moves with momentum. Communication is the key to understanding. It is this law that helps the team understand move further in the right direction.

The Leader needs to be consistent, clear and courteous.

Teammates need to be supportive, staying current and being vulnerable.

Are you committed to communicating with other teammates?
Are you supportive to everyone even people who aren't your friends?
Are you open and vulnerable?
Are you holding a grudge against someone within the team?
Any barriers in good communication with the team? This is your responsibility.

When leaders stop communicating then -
They stop gaining wisdom
They stop hearing what isn't being said
Teammates stop communicating
Their indifference spread through other areas

The Law of TEAM's Difference Maker
Two equally talented teams will have their leadership as the difference maker.

Personnel determines potential
Vision determines direction
Work ethic determines preparation
Leadership determines success

Leader gives ownership to those who work
Leader creates environment where teammates feel responsible.
Leader coaches development of personal capabilities
Leader learns quickly and encourage others to learn rapidly

Everyone is important but all are not equal. Someone has a skill in a particular area and another in another area. One who has right skill in that area should move with in that area. That doesn't mean they have more value as human beings. In the eyes of God, we are all equal but when it comes to leadership, someone needs to step forward.

For a better Team Member -

Acknowledge the value of leadership
Take personal responsibility for your leadership
Join a leadership development program
Find a leadership mentor

For a better Team Leader-
Develop people with better potential as leaders
Develop the people already on the team.

The stronger the leadership of the team, the greater the team's potential for success.

The Law of TEAM's Past Victory
When the team wins, everything is rejoiceful

The Greater the victory, the higher the morale.

High Morale is the great Exaggerator
High Morale is the great Elevator
High Morale is the great Energized
High Morale is the great Emanicipator
High Morale is the great Eliminator

The Law of TEAM'S Returns
When we invest in building a great team the returns compounds.

When we decide to do teamwork it is This Law that will give you the maximum returns. We need to believe in teamwork to get the dreamwork right.

How to invest in the team?
Start a team - this is about investment in the team
Gather best team possible - this elevates potential of the team
Pay the price to develop the team - this ensures the growth of the team 
Do things together as a team - this provides community for the team
Empower team with responsibility and authority - this raises up leaders of the team
Give credit for success to the team - this lifts morale of the team
Check to see investment pays off - this brings accountability to the team.
Stop investment in players who do not grow - this removes losses for the team
Create new opportunities for team - this allows the team to stretch
Give the team the best possible chance to succeed - this guarantees the team a high return

Become a good team member-
Are you giving a good return for investing in you? think about the opportunities you have received and positive learning experiences to which you have been exposed. Did you seized them or allowed them to slip by?
Grow all you can and determine to give the team a good return on its investment in you.

Become a better Team Leader -
As a leader you are building and environment whether your people are investing in others. Begin by investing and making it your organorganization's culture. Encourage growth, set aside time and money and take the time to investing in your core leaders. The more leaders you have on the team and the further developed they ar, the greater the returns.

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