What's the purpose of the application being developed

So, you want to know more about this principle.

This principle is one of the most important principle of the book Software Engineering by Roger Pressman.

See, the purpose of the application means what does this application's functionality do for its users.

Now don't jump your guns thinking what's the result of the application.

Results come at a later stage and that is not what is being discussed about.

The purpose means what does this set of functionality do for users, is it helpful, is it needful.

Warning sign, don't jump your guns to thinking what can this functionality do for you, whether it gets you money, whether it is irrelevant.

The Client needs to decide if the functionality is helpful.

If it's helpful then it's worthy of developing.

And it's going to help you in your business.

The purpose of my blog is to entice you to learn more and read books.

But it's not that the results of this application are the purpose.

The purpose of this app is to help me bring content to you.

And I think that my blog can certainly deliver the content.

I brought the content of John Maxwell Books, Gitapress Gorakhpur Books, Self-Help Books. And I believe I did that well.

So, do not think that applications are of no use to you unless you know what can the application  do for you.

Don't just assume that the world is full of people who just cheat to earn some money.

Don't doubt people like that. If you think like that you will not get to experience the use of the applications.

Okay, my blog helps you see how I perceive the world through this gyan, and if you read the books I have recommended then you will see what is contained in them.

So, try to understand the purpose of the application that has been developed first. And then think whether the application is worth the time.

Whenever you are doubtful of developing such an application think what's the purpose first and then think if its worth developing.

For end users, understand how can you benefit from such an application.

Will you doubt the world or will you see the technology help you?

So, the decision is yours!

All the best!

Know Yourself!

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