Alright, I have waited for a long time to write this post but I think it's time for me to write this post.
In a nutshell, what is my purpose for creating this blog.
There are 5 assumptions for me to create this blog:-
1) I wanted to be a writer, but I could not write a book and am unsuccessful in doing so. No!
2) I wanted to translate the books by adding something of my knowledge. No!
3) I wanted to show the world that I am a brilliant programmer. No!
4) I wanted to prove it to the world that I can create programs and trying to earn some money as a side income. No!
5) And finally a lot of people thought that I am wasting my time. I wanted to prove them wrong. No!
If you are thinking any of these reasons then you are just like any other person I have met.
The mission behind writing the posts and creating this blog is just to show that anyone can learn and build skills that can take one to another level.
If I wanted to be a writer I would have done it anytime in my life.
I would have done it long time ago. But I didn't.
See, I have learned Leadership, Teamwork, Marketing and Entrepreneurship. It's possible for even you to do all this.
In a nutshell, I am just trying to show you that you can learn leadership, teamwork or any other subject with ease, if you just remain focused on what you want to do. Be perseverant that you can learn all this.
The whole idea here is to show what I have learned and written in brief, short, concise, precise. Why? Because I am not just a book worm or a book reader.
The whole idea here is to write it in short and concise, so that I present the subject matters in short, something doable, followable, presentable, conversable. Why? Because if I can't talk about it in short, how could I actually understand all this.
If John Maxwell has written great books and if I understand them, then I see them with clarity and I can talk about it in short, concise.
This doesn't mean that it's all just too simple to understand and follow.
For some it's easy to follow, for some it's difficult. It's on your grasping power. See it everyday, every month, you will see them with clarity.
The whole idea here is to entice you to learn all this by yourself.
Now don't get me wrong. There is a lot to Read in these books, but what if I just show it to you that this is in short, and I am just enticing you to Read these books in detail.
Now you might say, 'I don't have the time, or this is not my knowledge. I can't present all these books as my gyan.'
If it can be learned, then it can be doable. Keep patience!
See, it's not a race to just learn these subject matters.
It's not about an act to prove to the world something.
It's about killing these subject matters. Not tomorrow, but today, or at the earliest date possible.
Okay, you might think, no time available, I have to do my duty.
But what if I ask you that your boss asks you that are you ready for a promotion?
What would you say or react to that?
Do you see what you are going to do tomorrow? No!
Now is the time, so get up and begin learning all this, Get up, Become Energetic and take your life to the next level.
You don't see tomorrow, you don't see the weekend. You only see today.
Right now, wherever you are start learning whatever that interests you.
You want to create influence, read books, on Leadership, teamwork, by John Maxwell.
You want to create influence on people, read Gitapress Books.
You want to create more influence, read the books that matter in your life and your workplace.
Gitapress Books will definitely help in achieving Self-respect, A Religious person, an influential person or any other quality that you can think about.
No! You don't see tomorrow, see today, start today, begin today, and this is the right time or ideal time. Start! Period! Kill the subject matters.
No time to waste.
If I could just go on writing whatever I know from these Books then it's not my gyan, the gyan is in all these books. It's not fair to write all this and show all this as my gyan. It's not fair for anyone.
Leadership, Teamwork, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Get it done with. Not completely, not 100 percent but at least up to some extent.
Hurry! It's the right time to start all this.
I know you have high hopes for new year.
I'm just helping you through my blog by enticing you to Read these books. Get on with it.
What no better way than to start your New Year with these great books?
The choice is yours.
Get it done with once and for all!
Oh and by the way - if you are thinking what are the YouTube videos doing on my site.
The videos have their own impact and they also have their own influence.