What's the best way to live in this world

Alright, the best way to live in this world is to following one's own Dharma's books.

One should be cultured and religious and must follow the shastras religiously.

Living a cultured life will help us gain respect and will guide others as well.

Don't get misguided by cinemas, don't just spend your money and time on bad acquaintances.

Living a cultured life will help us and others be harmonious.

A lot of times people don't understand what's the right way to live. And there is a thick book - Hindu Sanskriti Ank.

This book covers a lot of ground and will guide others as well.

Everyone must read their own Dharama's Shastras, Gita, Bible, Koran, etc.

Respect everyone and do everything considering Dharam and Karma.

Help the needy, do Dhyan(tap), give charity(Daan).

Avoid greed and anger at all times.

Do not disrespect your gurus, teachers, parents, that's considered as sinful.

Do what's your rightful duty, don't worry about results, do your work with devotion(Bhakti).

Living a cultured life is the only right way to live.

Radhe Radhe!

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