What's the best quality one can have

Alright, What's the greatest emotion one can have?

What's the greatest teaching by Krishna, Christ, or any other human being?

What's the best quality one can ever have?


You know the answer!

It's Love!

Krishna descended on bhulok(mortal world) to teach people to love each other!

Love is the greatest emotion!

Love poor people, love needy people, love someone in pain, Love someone in a problem.

Love can't be matched with money!

Love can't be exchanged for anything else!

You can only give love in return for love!

No one can resist someone with love!

Love is the greatest gift to mankind!

And love can't be matched with anything except love!

Now, if someone doesn't give you money for something then you need to give attention to that person.

Help him understand why is it so?

Help him understand that if you don't give money then the same response will come to you in return.

Whatever you give out to the world the same comes back to you.

Love is not a transaction.

Love can't be shown by giving money!

It's only going to make a mess with that relationship!

People might expect you to give money, if you can give, give it!

But if you can't give that person money then give him gyan so that he can earn that money!

Okay, you might say no to someone for giving money!

But remember that if someone reacts in a bad way then don't think that the relation is over, help him understand that money is not the goal!

And it never will be!

This doesn't mean money isn't important! It is.

But when someone denies to give money then think how should you make a genuine connection with them!

You might have heard people say 'Nobody gives me money!'

That's just stereotyping!

Do not think in such manner, don't speak like that!

Do not show that you know it all about money and how the world functions!

It's not like that!

God has sent us to planet earth to do great deeds in this world!

And we should make the most of that!

So, money is not our goal, but giving love is!

Love is not money!

Money is not love!

Once you learn to respect people you will understand what love is!

Love can be our greatest asset and ultimate resource!

Don't refrain from giving love to people!

It could be just as showing love from a day to day contact with someone like, the security guard, or a librarian, or a shopkeeper, or anyone else!

Love unconditionally and you will see that people will give everything in return!

Radhe Radhe!

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