Alright, What's the answer to all our life's problems?
Be tolerant, patient, compassionate, brave, or any other good quality.
Gita will be your inspiration!
Gita will help you find your answers!
Just try reading the Gita!
One after another shloka will inspire you.
After finishing Gita you won't be able to resist the shastras!
After reading the shastras you will develop the qualities you desire to attain!
So try reading the Gita!
Maybe you won't read the Gita!
If you don't read the Gita the loss is yours!
So, do not try to show that you know it all!
Don't stereotype!
Just make a new form and transform into something new!
Once you develop patience, sooner or later the problems will turn into solutions!
And you will get through the tough times!
Be compassionate, by understanding people's problems, sooner or later the barriers will be crossed.
Once you acquire all the good qualities, you will be worthy of respect!
This is everyone's guide to the problems!
Be spiritual and become self-realized!
Sooner things will settle down and all will rise to a new level!
Believe me, if you become spiritual, it's all gain and no loss!
Don't work hard for earning respect, use your intelligence to be a respectful human being!
Stop showing the world and impressing how good you are!
First solve your internal problems, be a good human being first!
Then move on to the externals!
Do not impress the world!
Be impressed with the shastras and learn from the shastras!
There is nothing like reading shastras because it will make you calm and peaceful!
Because the stories are inspiring!
And they always will!
A calm and peaceful mind will help you think straight!
If you get angry or anxious even for a second then it's a sign of weakness!
You have to be calm and peaceful all the time!
And you will start counting the days you have been like this!
Calm and Peaceful!
Start counting how many days you will be like this!
And gradually you will rise to a new level!
You will become respectful!
And you will be recognized as a rare personality!
So, read the shastras!
It's for your own good!
And this is the answer to all our life's problems!
All the best!
Know Yourself!