Okay.... Now I'm running out of ideas to entice you...
But the best way to entice you on reading shastras is to talk about how I feel while I read these books.....
I feel ecstatic, energetic, enlightening, aware, knowledgeable, blessed, Resourceful, majestic, magnificent, spellbinding, magical, realistic, practical, blown, unbelievable, relieved, independent, moved, unshakable, or any other great emotion that can be felt while I read these books.....
See....There is something magical about these books....magical in the sense how do they help you....let me try explaining...
If you would like to improve Hindi, Sanskrit or English...these books are ideal to improve your language by reading these books about God and his Religion.....I can bet on it that your language will improve for sure....and Not just improve you will be enlightened about God's Religion and his pastimes on the material world.
Next is you will have developed such a good taste about books that you read that you will have elevated to a level where you will spend least time on trivial pursuits and other useless books.
Next, try spreading the gyan in any manner you would like to spread and help others.
Next, you might stand apart from the crowd and build a personality that is rare in the world.
Next, becoming a Religious person has its own pride and self-respect but mind you don't become egoistic or excessive pride that could turn into a downside. Don't become arrogant with it.
Next, you will have an unbelievable viewpoint or perspective about things such as , don't be controlled by wishes(kaamnayein) which will make you stand out apart from the rest and will help you stay on the right track and if you be consistent about right things in life they will only lead you to moksha and be successful in life in every area.
Next, artha , economic development which means you have achieved a lot in your life and developed the right attitude about life that will lead you to the Supreme God.
Next, Dharam, the most important part about shastras, whatever you do in life it should be done with respect to karam and dharam, which means being righteous and doing your proper duty all the time.
Next, the qualities or gunas that should be developed for a spiritual life.
Next, there could be any quality that you would like to develop within you and become a respectable human being.
Next, what if suddenly you feel that why didn't I read these books earlier. What makes you think that you will forgive yourself for not reading them earlier in life.... ok don't become depressed with it but certainly rejoice the experience of these books.
Next, just being associated with Religious people will make you feel ecstatic about such engagement with people.
Finally, enjoying the chanting and kirtan will make you feel relaxed and peaceful and will purify you and help you energized again with a new rhythm for your life ahead of you.
See, if you go to a satsang, the saints will only talk about God's pastimes and entice you to Read the shastras because no saint can educate you everything during satsang. So even if you go to a satsang you will have a heads up about the shastras.
The shastras have their own gain and excitement but if you won't even begin your journey to kingdom of God then what makes you think God might give you moksha.
If still all this sounds tough to Read them start with a pocket size book about Gita, then a hundred pages book, then 200 pages, then a 800 pages book, and finally at least understand the poem of God.....after that I guarantee you that your interest in other shastras will be aroused.....
If still you feel you don't have the time, try listening to Gita on YouTube.
And if still that does not work, what makes you think anything else will?
What would that make you sound like? What do you gain by making such a disinterest in the most important gyan?
If you can't even read a single book, Gita, don't even think to react on someone if anyone calls you - Nastik!
Arrogance, Rude, Ego, Blindness, Ignorance, name it and you have that bad quality.
Don't get into that zone, it's not going to take you anywhere.
Alright, that's about it.
May God Bless You and Enlighten you with his Gyan someday.
So if someone calls you an atheist, and if it makes you angry...... you should not let it boil down to that....
So maybe, I could think of another post about shastras, maybe I wont....
God Bless You Anyways.