What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 48

Alright, This post is one of my favourite posts! 


Because once you are done reading the shastras, then it's time for kirtan, chanting, listening to bhajans!

And this is one of the greatest gain!

Bhajans will set you free!

As you read the shastras, perform kirtan, listen to some bhajans!

See how it will keep you free from any worries!

By the end of shastras Round 1(Gita, Puranas, Upanishads and Vedas) , you will be free from all the worries.

So, if you have already read the shastras then you must be already enjoying the bhajans and kirtans.

But if you are not done with Round 1, then listen to bhajans as you read the shastras.

Round 2 is Ank Shastras. Believe me you will get there!

The Bhajans are a great experience and you will enjoy your life.

You will keep connection with God as you perform kirtan!

So, keep your connection with God!

Radhe Radhe!

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