What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 42

Alright, this post is for people who feel like they are lonely or just not understanding what's going on in their lives.

See, if you feel that you don't have the time to meet people or you are busy with your life then what will bring you together with other people?

Now you might be busy with your lives, you have work, daily chores, or anything else that your busy with.

What will get you together and meet new people or someone you already know? It's the pastimes of God or anything else that your curious to learn about.

Once you read the shastras, you know how to be a good leader or a team player, or an entrepreneur, you know that the pastimes of God will bring you in the same page with others.

Don't worry if you are not doing well, the world will help you.

Don't make it like your problems are bothering you. Don't make it a misery!

Life should be rejoiced and lived joyfully, don't make it tougher on yourself than it already is. You will find answers to your problems, read Gita, Purana, or any other self-help book. It will all become blissful.

God's pastimes and his religion will get you together with people.

Whoever you are or whatever your dealing with, it will all turn for the best.

It will all turn for the best for everyone.

So, the shastras and the gyan in them will help you see the world with clarity.

Seva, Karma, Bhakti, Devotion, Action, Inaction, they are all the same.

So, shastras will help you! And the pastimes of God will take you back to God.

Will you read the shastras?

The decision is yours!

All the best!

Know Yourself!

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