What no better way than to start your New Year with the Shastras?
What have you gained all your life by not reading the Shastras?
Why not try a new way to change things in your life by reading the shastras?

If any of these questions are tempting you and if your life is a mess and you would like to change your approach to your life...then try reading the shastras.

Ok....Your life may not be perfect but what if shastras bring you to a Resourceful State?

What will you gain by complaining about things in life?

Shastras, have the God's Religion.

So if they cannot help you change the way you view things in life then what makes you think anything else will?

Just try reading them.....what's The best case scenario.... after reading the shastras...your employer and colleagues will appreciate you for being a Religious person....you can in turn bring them to a Resourceful State....and what's the worst case scenario.....your employer might not appreciate you for being a Religious person....and what's the use of working with such an employer?....eventually your employer might remove or sack you...and you will find an employer that respects you...

Okay ....maybe that's hypothetical but at least both ways you will have self-respect for being a Religious person....and you will move on to an employer that respects you...

Sometimes it becomes important to surrender yourself to God, sometimes it's better let people have their own way...respect others and build your self-respect by reading the shastras.....

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not asking you to take a 360 degree turn in your life and quit your employer....

See there is nothing wrong in changing careers if that's what it boils down to...your family is nagging you....people are telling you to do something else.....people want you to be positive they want you take a new approach to life.....

Try, reading the Shastras.....

Shastras are not just an inspiration, they show you a new perspective, how you may ask? It's simple...The story and the setting are ancient and the situation was completely different and that situation was way too bad than what we are living today.

Now if people survived at that time why can't we survive in today's world.....

That's not all...that time was different and they didn't have what we have in today's world, the technology, the knowledge of shastras and many Religious people with us....

When people faced such severe penances in ancient time then what penances do we have in today's world....absolutely incomparable.

Next, the Shastras were there in ancient times and they are still with us...the lessons were there earlier and are still with us.

There is no loss after reading the shastras, because they bring a positive change in us....how? ....by changing our viewpoint about things....

I'm not saying just jump into a job.....just think and ask this to yourself...What Can I Do?....There must be something that you can do....Just think rationally where could you create a positive impact?...What work you could possibly do?...

I'm not telling you to become impractical and jump into an industry or a job or a career....think, wear your thinking hat....What could you possibly do that could take you further in life?

Just think what's the best for you. If you can answer that question.....then you believe in yourself and are willing to do the right things...The next step is to just fix your attitude...which means , dont regret or feel guilty about certain things. Just believe in your Seva.

You are serving someone and when you do your work for serving God that's called Seva.

If you won't do Seva then people might call you adharami.

Up to some extent it is adharam.

But if you can't help someone in some work then there is no point in doing such work.

What work can you do? How do you have to work? When do you have to work? Where do you have to work? and Plan how you have to do things?

Answer these questions and move ahead with your karma...Unless you have the answer to those questions don't start with such an endeavour in life....don't start,  just sort these answers out and proceed further...it is crucial to understand these things first and proceeding further...

There you are....Plan things out.....proceed with your karma like this and move ahead....

How do you do all this....by reading the shastras they will get you a new perspective about things in life....

Now you must be thinking where is all this mentioned in shastras, which shastra talks about sorting your life out?

Hmmm....See if you can build a new perspective about things in life, by reading the shastras, what any better gain can there be in life?

Shastras are not gonna make your life better by reading the stories(kathayein), they just make you understand the stories and help you think and build a new perspective.

How Can it get any better if you get a new perspective?

So...If people are nagging you then try reading the shastras....

Now you may  think why should I read 18 puranas to get a new perspective? Why not just read a self-help book to get a new perspective?

Because at some point in your life someone will suggest reading shastras....

And maybe you'll read them in early stages of life or later stages of life...

Which one is better?

Should they be read in thirties or forties rather than fifties?

Now that doesn't mean it can't be read in fifties. It can be read anytime.

Just start with it.

Picture this scenario in life.....you have to climb mount-everest mountain. After reaching at the top how would it make you feel...What experience can it give you....you will feel high about the experience...

Similarly after reading the shastras it's gonna give you a delightful experience a thrilling experience because these books are God's Religion and they are the jewels of our Religion.

So the choice is yours.....whether you choose to be ignorant about the shastras or you wish to live and breathe these shastras and the Gyan they contain.

At least you would gain some self-respect by becoming a Religious person.

So it's the right time to start and plan your New Year and move further in your career.

Okay, that's about it for now.....

Maybe I'll write another post about shastras. 

Hope to see you on the same side about the shastras.

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