What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 34

Okay! If you are struggling to build a connection with people when you talk to someone then this is just the right post that will help you.

Dr. John Maxwell has written a great book Everyone Communicates Few Connect.

In this book you will gain the right principles and practices that guide you to not just communicate but connect with people. Believe me this book works.

Now here comes the best part. Read the shastras, they have the right gyan that will make you aware about the history of Hindu's Religion. 

How to be a spiritual person? Stories and pastimes of God.

Shastras don't just have stories but they have the right lessons, that take one to another level.

If shastras won't change you then nothing else will.

A lot of people read the shastras in a manner where they just read and read and read endlessly, but when someone asks them to speak about the shastras they can't talk. Stop! Pause!

Don't Read Like That!

You have to read with a focused mind and build your reading and writing skills! Because if you can't talk about the shastras then what's the use of reading them.

No! That's not how it should be.

Read these shastras and remember the stories, if you forget them then read again. How long will it take you to read again. Just few hours of days.

Communication doesn't mean just talking or saying about something.

Communication means to connect with people.

Build that connection.

Build your respect by connecting with others and you will see yourself respect worthy.

Do not just sit with someone and talk randomly or casually.

Speak with an intention, a purpose, a worthy purpose.

And then you will see yourself connect with people.

The Shastras are the best books if you remember them. 

The stories in them help mankind and one day you will see the gyan contained in these shastras from the top, from the index and you will also see them in detail.

Does everyone read Shastras? No!

Can anybody read the shastras? Yes!

Can everybody spread this gyan? Absolutely!

Okay! Now what if I tell you that whatever is present in shastras can be conversed about, written about, narrated about, spoken about.

Your communication will become better, with just a few shastras.

See a saint in a Satsang and just see how the audience connects with him? How? Because he is talking about the lessons and qualities and pastimes of God.

So, if you are young and you have the time for the shastras, sit with these shastras for a few months or a couple of years and read them while you do your karma and dharma. You will turn into something unimaginable.

And if you are a little towards forties or fifties, even you can gain by reading by them, because you have experience and you can read the shastras and create an influence with others easily.

Sooo......if you want to take your communication skills to another level, read these shastras. See your life turn into something magical.

No better way to improve your communication skills.

Naam Le! Naam Le! Naam Le! Jai Shri Rama!

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