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How to remain completely in Krishna Consciousness?
How to enjoy reading the shastras?
What is the best way to read the shastras?
Read the books like your reading an encyclopaedia. Feel the gyan in these words, read each sentence and gauge the meaning in these shastras.
Build a tiny diary where you write about these shastras or build your own gyan. Read these books as though one day you have to talk about them. Yes! That day is coming and will come.
Try speaking about these shastras, and live your life following all this daily, write about them, spread the gyan.
Read these shastras on a day to day basis, and see your life transform to another level.
Feel these words, build your gyan, keep reading, the contents in these shastras are endless, unlimited challenges will be conquered.
You will definitely become a writer. You will definitely get the chance to spread this gyan someday.
The best way to live this life is to read these shastras all your life whilst doing your prescribed duties.
Do your karma, dharma, and live this gyan daily.
See, read each sentence and make it an A-Ha moment in your life, because this gyan is new in your life, read it, digest it, believe it, word to word, sentence by sentence, know this gyan, make notes on your mind or a diary, feel these words become yours, narrate it to someone, talk about it with others, you will breathe these shastras, it will happen, all of this will happen.
See, read these shastras as a saint is giving a Pravachan, a narration of the shastras, understand each sentence leading to another and another, and another, till you enjoy reading these shastras. You will get the interest after reading a few pages. At least read around 40-50 pages. And don't be disheartened if you don't like any book, read another, or Gita, or Bhagavatam, or any other shastra. By now you know that I am just trying to entice you to read these shastras.
So, rejoice this possession of these rare books in your life.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Har Har Mahadeva!