What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 30

Alright, How to read the shastras in the best manner?

Do you want to read the shastras with greatest joy?

Would you like to fly with the gyan invincibly?

Do you want to make the most of your life?

Do you want to stay in High Spirits?

There is only one way to understand the shastras, and that way is to read the title of the chapter and read what is contained in them.

Whilst you read them, understand what is being said in the current sentence then the next and another. Try to understand what is being said. Gauge the sentence structure, try building this gyan and building your writing skills, the greatest gain is when you start writing about this gyan and spreading it, making it viral on the social media.

There is immense knowledge in these books, they can be read and lived on a day to day basis. When you read these books the gyan builds and can spread to others. All Gain no loss.

If you want to be ignorant about this gyan then it is clearly your loss. Understand that when your life is everything for you that is when it is most important for you to live it the right way.

There is absolutely no gyan that can make the shastras less important.

No one can read them all.

Rejoice with whatever you can read and become a spiritual person.

Life is already a mess if you live it without the shastras.

Try reading the shastras. If it doesn't work out well then you can get back the way you want to live.

But definitely try reading these shastras at least for a year.

After a year you will have read these shastras and you will definitely have a good taste of great books.

If you want to become a writer then you need to read a similar genre of books, whether it's mythology, fiction, self-help or non-fiction.

Once you give the genre a lot of time, you will build a similar writing style.

Once you become a writer, you will become a public figure and help people read these shastras.

Why waste your life in worthless pursuits, try reading these shastras.

I started my journey with self-help books, by Dr. John Maxwell, about teamwork, leadership, growth and people person. I was immensely influenced by his books and I had a wonderful journey with his books.

After reading the shastras I had even more better journey than the self-help books of Dr. John Maxwell. I regretted not reading the shastras even more than Dr. Maxwell's books.

If you enjoy self-help books then you will be exhilarated with the Gitapress shastras. Because they have everything. All the qualities and lessons of Dr. Maxwell's books.

No disrespect to Dr. Maxwell but don't avoid reading the shastras. You will regret not reading them. At least I regretted for not reading in early twenties.

The gyan is important because we need to know how the great devotees lived their lives. And we just have to follow their footsteps.

And what if suddenly you change by reading these shastras, you will be ecstatic, you will rejoice every book and the gyan in them.

See, the whole idea here is to feel each sentence, which will help you build your reading and writing skills. Feel these words so that you can converse and write like them. You will become a writer if you read that particular genre.

So if you aspire to be a writer of a genre read those genre's books.

And if you want to talk like a saint read their books.

Srila Prabhupada, Swami Ramsukhdasji, or any other saints.

This idea of reading a genre is mentioned by the author Christopher Paolini. A great fantasy, and now even a Sci-Fi novels author.

Whatever you would like to write or whoever you want to be like you have to read that author's books.

Start at the earliest day possible to read these shastras, the advantages are endless.

There is no point if you just waste your time on meaningless pursuits. If you think entertainment is important, try remembering a movie you enjoyed just a year ago, try remembering what you laughed on, chances are you don't remember them.

Don't waste your time on movies, games or any other worthless activities.

If you make your life perfect, if you help others from ignorance then you will definitely have self-respect and others respect.

Build your gyan by reading these shastras and see your life go to another level.

And don't just stop writing about them, talk about them every now and then.

At least you will contribute to the world in your own way.

So if you would like to be a writer of a particular genre then the best genre is mythology.

Build your writing skills and your gyan.

After reading the shastras you have lived your life the right way on a day to day basis.

Listen to Shiva Chalisa! And see how it relaxes your mind.

Har Har Mahadeva!

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