What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 24

This post is for people like me who have read the shastras...

Do you feel like talking about the shastras?
Do you feel like writing about the shastras?
Do you feel like sharing YouTube videos of shastras?

Alright, if you are a Religious person then this post is for you.

Shastras have their own craze and fun to Read them, share the gyan, write posts about them, do a lot of like and share, respect the devotees.

I am sure you have read as many shastras as possible and I have read them a lot as well. But this is just the start, get in with another round of shastras.

Read the Gita again, complete the Bhagavatam, complete the Puranas....oh i said "Complete Them, cause I know you didn't compete them."

Start with the Vedas, other shastras, oh there are many, read them, with zest, engrossed, lost, excited, zoomed in, don't worry about anything while you read them, forget the world and sit all by yourself with them for hours and hours, cause you know you have an encyclopaedia, will it end? No, pick it up and finish them, feel the presence of God and his consciousness, feel the power and faith of God, just available to you in a few thousands of rupees, pick them up and finish them, ok at least read them parallelly, I'm sure you do, just like me, no more than a few books. 

So will you complete them, yes you will, don't worry if you won't finish them, just read them, enjoy them, feel the power and faith of Krishna, all other demigods, Shiva, Brahma, Parvati, Sita, Rama , Radha, see and spread the gyan, hope you help others from ignorance, from darkness.

How do you feel when you read these shastras, completely majestic, completely lost, don't return back to the real world, just be lost and spread the gyan.

You've challenged your old ideas, you've built New ones, you've come up with your own ones, stop, share, speak, write and post them, cause you know you love doing it.

Share the YouTube videos of your Guru Maharaj.

Srila Prabhupada Videos are great too, and they take you to another world by itself, Swami Ramsukhdasji or any other saints you know.

Don't stop, say goodbye to the noise and see how it brings you closer and back to Krishna Consciousness.

The Magic is right here in your house and it won't stop taking you any further away from reality. Say Goodbye to Noise!

Hip Hip Hurray! 

Back to Godhead!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

Har Har Mahadeva!

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