What is the gain of reading the shastras - Part 17

Alright, How do you help people become better?

How to love people?

If you have a hard time loving people, then read the shastras.

Nobody is useless, or worthless, we all are part and parcel of God.

Bhagavatam says we all are equal and we all will be forgiven and get rid of our sinful actions.

Gita says a person can get over through ocean of sins if one can feel repentant.

We all can love each other and move together ahead in our lives. We must forgive people and carry their burdens and move together.

If you read the Gita then you will read that you can Love God, Your parents, your career, Gita will help you do all this.

We must love people unconditionally and move ahead with our lives.

If you like people around you then you will help them be a better person. No matter what happens people will like you if you are a spiritual person.

Don't run behind worldly objects and sacrifice the love of people for the riches.

We maybe rich but we can't be rich without the love of people.

Once you know we have to work together then you will be motivated to Read the Gita and like people.

You will read the shastras and move to a higher level.

Krishna descended on this world to spread love and teach people how to love each other. He gave the gyan of Gita and helped Arjun to do his rightful duty. He didn't force Arjun, he conversed with him and taught how to do his duty for his kinsmen and for ruling over the Bharata kingdom.

Watch Radhakrishna TV series and see the story of Krishna doing his duty, loving, serving the world.

If God can serve the world and be the creator and destructor of this world then why can't we serve the people and love them unconditionally.

We all need the love of God and if he can love and serve us, then we can definitely be a spiritual person and help him in managing this world.

So start reading the shastras.

No better way than to start your New Year with the shastras.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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