What's the true purpose of this life?
It's to awaken God Consciousness.
It's to identify what is materialistic life and what is spiritual life?
See, material possessions are important but only up to basic necessities not beyond that.
If you waste your precious time chasing worldly objects, then is it even worthy of wasting a single day on such objects.
Basic necessities are important but not beyond that. If I tell you that you are going to waste a single day chasing gadgets then is it even worth it?
Don't do meat-eating, intoxication or gambling, you will go through hellish conditions in life.
God has given us this precious life after having many previous births of life, don't waste it on worthless pursuits.
If you don't know why you are born in this world? How would you react to that?
If I say that you will enjoy reading the shastras and find your true purpose in life, how would you react to that?
Srila Prabhupada, went to the west to spread God Consciousness and change the whole world by creating 108 temples in all the major cities of the world.
If a saint like him can do such great miracles in world by helping the world how to live this wonderful experience of life why can't we just follow him and do the same.
Srila Prabhupada has achieved great feats in his life and we must not forget that.
Life is beyond your imagination and you will see that God will answer your prayers.
Life is going to be a paradise if you believe in God, if you read the shastras, if you understand how the way the saints have spread the gyan. Read them and you will understand the right way to do the rituals, the shlokas meaning, the mantras meanings, the avatars purposes of descending on this planet.
Life is not about just living without a worthy purpose, what if you suddenly think why didn't I read the shastras in young age? Would it give you pain? You don't know.
Start with these books, at the earliest day possible.
There are a lot of shastras to read, and no one can finish them all, you be a little picky with what you want to read, and you will be done with them.
If you have been doing your duty or karma because someone told you to do your duty, and what if someone else asked you why do you do your duty? What would you say to that? That you heard it from someone to do it? No!
Gita says do your karma not because it should be done, but because it will give you moksha.
You need to Read Gita once in your life, it's never too late.
Start with it. Get on with it.
If all I had to say was life will become perfect if you focus on the right things. If you will understand what is important and what is irrelevant.
If you think that this world is just existence then it's a sin to even think like this.
What if you meet an atheist and look at the way he talks, walks and his gestures?
The Shastras say that there is a way to even hold your chin up and walk straight without a cool dude style or stupid attitude. But because you know you have simple living and high thinking.
All these things are available in shastras. There will be a time in your life when suddenly an interest will arouse in you. What do the shastras contain? How do they help me move ahead? How do they influence others who matter in life? How to develop the right qualities in life? How to develop and build others? What to talk about people in your life? How to Read these books in a planned schedule? How to spread this gyan at the earliest date possiblle?
Life will become better for your own good. Start! New year is coming and I guarantee that you will definitely say that why didn't I read these books earlier?
Gitapress Books will just give you strength when you just hold them. How you may ask? Because this is Bhakti, Faith, Belief in God.
If you can read these shastras within 2 years at a stretch your life will transform into something unimaginable. These books matter because they have the rituals , the shlokas meaning, the gyan and the history of God's Religion.
Don't be a common man and be careless with just a bad attitude.
Whenever you meet an atheist, tell him to talk about this world and God. Tell him to speak about it for 5 minutes. You will find him gasping after speaking for 5 minutes.
After that tell him to just say I believe in God. See how he will become relaxed.
Show him the gyan in these shastras about how they will help him move ahead in life.
This may sound hypothetical but if you just see an atheist, record his video and show him how does he seem or look like?
I'm sure he will say 'I look funny.' And that's about it.
The advantages of reading the shastras are endless if you just go on thinking about them.
You will become blessed, aware, knowledgeable, influential, brilliant, intelligent, Resourceful, Energetic, Rare, spiritual, etc.
Just hold a shastra, just try holding it, if you have a grievance in life, see how that would make you worry less about it, see how it will disappear from your life.
The stories that are there are all about the avatars and their great mission of life.
Try, just give it a try, start at the earliest date possible.
Start today!