What is the gain of reading the Shastras - Part 2
So you like the previous post? Hang on while I speak about the Shastras a little bit more.....
Don't you think that the Sadhus and Religious Books shopkeepers have been selling the books for a long time and they are distributing this Gyan daily and impacting the world on a daily basis.
Try visiting your local shops in your area for religious books and have a word with them.
Ask them why do you sell these books, they will say 'I do it for Seva.'
Seva, serving or servitude . Such a great word, if these people can do their duty for spreading the gyan then why can't any other man can't call it a seva for his own work.
If we don't believe in doing our duty then we should not do that duty and look in turn for another duty that resonates with us.
Truly something is missing from our lives, and that is our attitude in doing our duty.
There is definitely something wrong in a duty that we don't like. Period.
Think over with what work you want to do in life and do something else. If that is where it boils down to.
If you don't enjoy what you are doing then it's time you take ownership of it and do something about it. Talk with people whom you respect, someone already doing the work what you want to do in life. Chances are that you will find what you are made for. Chances maybe slim but achievable.
There is even a possibility of liking what you are currently doing if you believe in servitude.
And if servitude is your missing piece or something you have a bad attitude towards with, then the Shopkeepers set the right example of their seva.
See there is nothing wrong in earning money but when you just have wishes for luxuries or worldly objects then you will not enjoy your life with what you already have.
There is a lesson in Radhakrishna episode about wishes(kaamnayein)
This is in Hindi-
Chaha buri baat nahi hai, par chaha ko pura karne ke liye jeevan ka anand nahi lena, ye toh murkhata hai.
Which means-
Our wishes are not bad, but when you don't enjoy things that you already have, then that is foolishness.
Understand that life is not gonna be perfect forever, something will go wrong at some time but when you forget that our present life is important and if our daily life is not interesting or satisfying then it is our foolishness.
Life is not gonna be bad forever either. You will get on the right track somewhere.
If you won't take ownership of your life then who will.
Don't make your life a struggle for just improving your lifestyle, it's just going to become even more worse if you continue in such a manner.
If you think that you know Gita without even reading a word from it, what's the use of such an assumption.
Someone might say 'I have heard this , I have heard that.'
How is it someone's gyan if he has just heard it.
That's not how it works.
If you won't read Gita even for 5 minutes for a day, what makes you think you might even touch it after a week?
If these shopkeepers are selling these books, then why do these shopkeepers sell them?
Because my dear friend, they have read them, not just once not just one book but almost like atleast a hundred of them.
Life will be interesting if we tyag(renounce) our wishes for wordly objects.
How do you think people live in holy places if there is no technology or luxurious things in villages.
People meditate on temples, do kirtan, how do they do it.
Because there is pleasure in chanting and doing kirtan.
Unless you chant you are not going to feel the relaxation and happiness without doing it.
If life is so much harmonious in villages how come people in cities are lost with their careers. Because they don't believe in seva.
Now it's time to believe in your seva or do something that you believe in.
Life is not going to be easy if you just expect things to become right by itself.
Albert Einstein said Imagine that everything is a miracle.
Believe in what you are doing or do something else.
Once you believe in what you are doing then you will become the most influential person of your own life.
So how can anyone think that his work is mundane or dull, believe in your seva.
Life will get better and harmonious if you stick to what's right.
Life will get easy if you keep it simple.
Life will become perfect if you know that there is an almighty God if you believe in his powers.
It will only become interesting if you know what you are made for.
Nobody is a loser if one believes in what one is doing.
Life can become miserable if you spend all your life chasing money.
Do you even think that you will be lost like this all your life. What makes you think nobody will be able to help you. There is not a chance for your entire life to go waste. So why waste a single day on it.
There is nothing wrong in life if you believe that everything is a miracle.
Shastras have made this possible. See the power of shastras in this world. Just available in your local area.
If still you meet people who will say wrong things about shastras, show them how to Read these books, read a few words of the shastras. Talk about the benefits of the shastras. Still if they continue saying wrong. Ask them what do they want to achieve by this random talk.
One must not make fun of shastras. Shastras are considered sacred.. Watch your words with random or casual talk about shastras. Someone might say Nastik! A normal reaction according to a believer or religious person.
If shastras can make you duty turn into seva, your life's most challenging problem turned from duty to seva. How blissful can the other things get. Start with some shastra. Start with something that resonates you. Start with Gita. Start with Puranas. Start with Upanishads. Start with Vedas. Start with the books that the Shopkeepers mention.
The Journey is going to get interesting if you keep it that way. Your life's journey will be perfect if you live it how it should be lived as mentioned in shastras. But first one must read the shastras.
Even if you won't be able to spread the gyan, you learned it for yourself, you will attain moksha, you did your dharma, you will attain artha.
After mentioning about your duty into seva, your life's biggest puzzle about seva has been solved. How else can it become better?
Life is going to become interesting if you see what is there in the shastras, how can devotional service be done? Through Bhakti- yoga, or Gyan -yoga, or Dhyana -yoga. Devotion, gyan or meditation.
All have been present in Gita.
If you finish Gita once what makes you think that it won't awaken something inside you?
Gita is the most sacred book in the entire world. It is made essential for most universities throughout the world.
After completing Gita you will see the world through a different perspective. Who is serving, who is not serving, who is a believer, who is an atheist? These things can affect your personality. Personality means how a person thinks about certain things. If you don't seal a first impression it could be disastrous for your image or reputation, it could be disastrous for your business, or your professional career.
If you think you will be casual in front of people about Shastras or God's Religion then who do you think will respect you. Disaster!
Be careful whenever you hear about shastras. Don't speak casually or don't do random talk. What's the use of these books? Who wrote these books?
Don't even try to show that you know it in short. Don't say things like the saints wrote anything, don't be a Rambo. Pause. Reflect. Be Alert.
Shastras are sacred and this belief is going to be experienced if you read them.
If still you come across someone talk in a casual manner, then talk about the shastras a little bit by enticing them to Read them.
Life is going to change when you read the shastras, and it will only happen when you breathe them, not just for weeks or months but for an entire life.
What if you feel that why didn't I read these books in my early twenties, thirties or forties? It is never too late.
You have the time right now. It's ok even if you read them in fifties. The important thing is to Read them at the earliest day possible and live these wonderful shastras on a day to day basis.
So when I can solve your life's most troubled part seva, why won't you believe the shastras can give you a whole new perspective about the other things?
The Shastras are the gifts given to us by the Supreme God and the disciplic succession of saints, we must respect them.
Life is going to be a paradise.
So the next time you are troubled about something, talk to a devotee and see how that person is in front of you.
Is he troubled? Is he anxious? Is he worried? No.
That's the power of shastras.
I now have spoken about the benefits of shastras, will you read them? ......,
This is a small snippet about a saint talking to atheists
Saint asks: Kya aap bhagavan ko maante hai?
Nastik says: nahin.
Saint says: Tum bhi mast, hum bhi mast. Kya aap badlenge, nahin, kya hum bhadlenge, nahin.
So will you read the shastras, it is up to you...
Who knows I might write another post on shastras. Maybe I wont.
So long partner.....

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