How to make life full of fun and play

Alright, how will you make life full of fun and play?

When you learn and increase your knowledge, it's fun and exciting because your value is increasing and it is the experience of this emotion that takes you to a new level.

Nothing will seem impossible, when you build your gyan.

Nobody can defeat you!

Read the shastras, read the Gita, read the books that are important for your career.

See yourself everyday better than yesterday.

Okay, if you don't have the time for your growth, then what makes you think you will make the best use of your time.

Enjoy your journey and learn things that you failed to achieve in the past.

No one can assist you with a rigid mindset.

You can learn leadership and be a part of a new endeavour.

You can make someone spiritual and help him find answers of his life.

The shastras are there for a reason and they don't have to be read in haste, they have to be enjoyed.

Life will become easy someday when you are done with your priorities.

So start with however you can move forward.

Start learning and see how much you have done for yourself.

Once you learn you will see the world with a new mindset.

So don't postpone what you ought to do in life.

Make a priority to get done with what matters in your life.

All the best!

Know Yourself!

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