Create Achievable Goals

First, you need to start with a Definite Aim. It could be a Dream, Mission or something worthwhile. Convert your Dream into Goals. If we only be dreamers then we wont achieve anything. We need a roadmap for success.

What we Believe, We will Achieve

We need to evaluate ourselves for success. We need to be realistic. We may establish a goal that appears to be desirable, but not possess the abilities to achieve it. We may dream of being a movie star but not have the talent needed.

We need a Clear concise statement of our objective we want to achieve. We should reiterate it before sleeping and rising every morning.

Establish Your Goals.

Goals more than just pipe dreams combine the following characteristics of goals

·        Clearly Articulated

·        Reasonable

·        Inspiring

·        Action based

·        Measurable

·        Committed to paper

·        Flexible

·        Require Effort

·        Public Knowledge

Review your progress.

Here is a step by step Planning Process for Your Goals:-

1.      Desired Outcome

2.      Our Present Circumstances

3.      Set Goals

4.      Action Steps

5.      Cost

6.      Timetables

7.      Implementation

8.      Follow-up/Measurement


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