A Wrong assumption about the shastras

Alright, If I ask you, 'Have you read the shastras?'

How would you respond to it?

Now, you'd say 'I know the shastras, my parents told me what's contained in them.'

Okay, Now, So you are assuming what is contained in Gita and the other shastras.

But what if I ask you 'Can you talk something about them?'

Now you'd say 'I do my duty, karma, and I serve people.'

But do you know why duty should be done?

Now you'd say 'Because we all must work.'

No! Wrong!

Duty should be done because it will give you moksha.

Okay, Now what if someone asks you to talk something about the shastras?

What if you'd say 'I know it from my parents and my ancestors.'

Now if you are not even able to speak about the shastras for even 10-15 minutes, what's the use of such gyan.

Maybe you'd say 'I'm not a writer. I can't use fancy words and I cant talk about the gyan.'

Now if you can't even speak or write about them, go to the mirror and talk something about the shastras.

How does that make you feel, do you find yourself funny or running out of words?

Don't let it boil down to that.

Read these shastras and remember them throughout your life.

You can't assume about the benefits of the gyan of shastras if you don't read and feel what's contained in them.

Now what do I mean by feel, it means to not just read and understand this gyan but to see this gyan, see the devotees follow this gyan, which in turn will help you believe in them.

Unless you believe in something you are not going to feel or respect this gyan.

Now you'd say 'I don't challenge what's given in them.'

But what if I ask you 'How do you believe in something that you don't feel?'

Remember these shastras are given to us for a purpose. What is that purpose?

And the purpose is to know yourself, self-realize and breathe this gyan every single day!

You will get Shakti or energy by just holding a shastra, just reading about them gives immense pleasure to people, how much joy could it give you by following this gyan.

Now, you'd be called a sadhak(seeker), which means someone who finds the answers of life, and what is this world and who is God Almighty.

So, will you choose to be ignorant about this gyan.

Suppose, you meet someone who forgets that What's the greatest secret in Gita.

The Most confidential secret is God is Everything.

And if you choose to be ignorant about the Gita, how would you seem like to others?

Okay, if it makes you look like a fool then you must change and read the Gita.

I guarantee it will change you and you will be in Krishna Consciousness, living harmoniously every single day.

So, don't assume that you know the shastras without reading them.

Read the Gita!

All the best!

Know Yourself!

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