How are you going to survive in this world?
By making proper use of your time!
Whatever you do should be worthy of pursuing!
Nobody is worthless or useless, if you can be of assistance to someone then you ought to assist!
Right now, wherever you are, get on with a worthy cause, get along with an organization, and believe in their mission or vision!
The world is too big for you and your problems!
Don't be a critic!
Don't do fault-finding!
Do not pretend like you know it all!
If you are a fresher, join a company and see how much you can learn from them!
Even if you are a senior, you know you have the potential, you know you have the patience, you just need to think your way through things and become someone!
Just see the victory in your mind, where you have to work, what you have to do, and where and when is the right opportunity!
You are a senior, you will find someone worthy of investing your precious time!
See, the secret to success is doing something valuable!
Okay, if you want to know your true potential, then tap into what you are passionate about!
Do you like reading books? Do you like making applications? Do you like interacting with people and selling? Do you like influencing people and helping them by becoming a leader?
What are you passionate about?
Now, even if you don't have any passion, you can believe in servitude and help this world!
Now, if you were to ask me, what is my passion?
I'm passionate about software development, selling and marketing, influencing people to help them find themselves, reading books and challenging myself to think about new ideas!
Whatever you are passionate about, that will help you face tough times!
Just be tenacious, never give up attitude!
The Secret to Success post I wrote earlier was about, whatever that works for you, hard work, simple work, positivity, slowly transform your duty into Seva(servitude).
So this post sustains you in believing in your passion and doing your Seva!
So, you are a senior or a junior, it doesn't matter, you believe in your passion, then you will do your Seva!
So, do not waste your precious time!
Believe that you can perform your Seva and help this world be a better place!
Hence, Don't Doubt Your Passion, Believe in Your Seva and See Yourself Rise!
So, the Secret to Success is already within you!
All the best!
Know Yourself!