2025 - A New Year's Promise - Part 5

Alright, What's the whole idea behind reading the shastras?

If you have seen RadhaKrishna TV Series like me.....then...

You will devour the shastras....You will crave to Read the shastras...

And once you enjoy reading the shastras then you will advice others to read them...

Whenever I hold a shastra, I get an incredible strength in holding them..

So, if you have anything in your life to complain about...

Try reading a shastra....

And automatically you will find your answer...

So, don't waste your precious time, by just partying and outings....

Try reading shastras and see how you will change...

See, the shastra will help you, they will get you to a right track...

If you can't read a shastra then what do you think will help you....

See, I am not saying that you are an atheist or a loser...

All I am saying is read the shastra and see if you are feeling any better...

But if you don't read the shastra and see...then how will you know what you are ignorant about.....

I'm not saying you don't know the Great Epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata....

You have seen them.....

You will know what you are missing out on.....if you read them...

To tell you the truth, I was already aware about the gyan in shastras.....

But I wasn't aware about Gita, How Krishna converses with Arjuna and answers his questions....

Are you aware about how the conversation proceeds....

Okay, now if you say the conversation is about following your karma and dharma.....then why aren't you successful and why don't you possess the luxuries of the world....

Gita isn't about making you rich....

It's about doing your rightful duty(karma).....

And if you focus on the task then you will get the fruits of your work....

You will become rich if you do your prescribed duties nicely.....

Even if you were to become rich, how would you continue doing your karma....

Arjuna became rich after winning The Mahabharata, and he won the battle and attained the fruits of the war...

So, you will get the fruits of your work...

Even if you fail to get results, you will continue doing your Seva....your rightful duty....your karma....

And you will see this world in motion with everyone doing his karma....

If we see everyone doing their karma, it's for our own good....

Now some might argue what's the gain of reading the shastras if we already know about our karma and dharma...

But Srila Prabhupada says in Gita, that even if you read one shloka of Gita, then you will get your moksha....

If you take bhelpatra(a tulasi leaf) and pray to Krishna with devotion then you will become a believer in Krishna...

You will get moksha and you will become free of cycle of birth and death...

So, don't doubt this world.....Don't be ignorant about anything in this world...

The gyan in shastras could be endless....

But do we have the time to Read them endlessly...

Some might have the time to Read them....some might not have the interest....

But even if you read the Gita, it contains everything about the other shastras....

Shastras can guide and help you....

But if you don't have anyone complaining about you....

Then it's all good for you...

There might be some people like that....

But many don't have their lives sorted out...

And if each of us can help someone in life then we ought to get them on the right track....

So, take charge of your life and proceed with your karma...

Not just blindly, but by reading the Gita....

And after reading the Gita, you won't be able to resist reading the shastras....

Hence, if you want to make this world a paradise then read the shastras....

New Year is coming and I guarantee you will enjoy reading the shastras..

So, don't postpone reading the shastras...

Goodbye and God Bless!

Know Yourself!

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