2025 - A New Year's Promise - Part 2

Alright, What's the proper use of your time?

What will you do In your leisure time?

What do you dream of becoming like?

Who says you can't change?

How you may ask?

Read the shastras!

Read Self-Help books!

Read what's important for you to learn!

See, don't wait for an ideal time to change!

Your potential already resides within you!

Your value can increase if you develop yourself!

Growth is the most underestimated trait employers unintentionally ignore!

It may not be important for your employer!

But it is crucial for your success!

Read something useful and see how you will change!

Prioritize your books!

What's the next most important book that will take you further in your career!

Whether it's Leadership, Teamwork, Growth, etc.

You will accept every event of your life if you are done with your inner development!

Become complete internally and then move towards the external world!

Somehow things will turn out bright if you prioritize and learn for 2-3 years!

So, don't procrastinate your growth!

New Year is coming and you have to be in High Spirits!

You can't let yourself be careless!

This is my promise, once you develop yourself for 3 years, you will change!

So adapt...Read Shastras and Self-Help books...

Read great books...

And you will be in a Resourceful State!

This is my promise to you, you will change!

Read the Gita!

And everything will fall into picture!

Stay Bright, Stay Happy!

So, don't procrastinate your growth!

Thus, will you read?

The decision is yours!

All the best!

Know Yourself!

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