Hi! I'm Chandan Khatwani. You will find a Great Deal of Information on this blog. If you just read with an Open Mind then You will Grasp the Content on this site.
I have reached to more than 111K Visits to my site and I am sure that you will like every post.
I am a Religious person. Strong believer in God and am a Free Lancer in Software Engineering.
I have read Gita, Bhagavatam, Puranas, Vedas and many other shastras.
My faith in God is my greatest possession and have been enlightened by the words of Gita.
I believe in living the life the way shastras have mentioned and have developed the qualities of a spiritual person.
If you just want to challenge me if I know the technology properly then don't bother trying to call me for any endeavor. Keep your doubts for yourself.
See if I doubt you and if you doubt me then that's very dangerous and disastrous.
Believe in yourself, in your mission of life.
Believe in me and my potential. I have read more than 400+ books and am an expert in technologies..
This doesn't mean that I can do anything and everything.
I need to understand what needs to be done and how I can benefit you in your mission.
Believe in yourself, believe in me and together we can do great miracles.
My Success definition goes something like this-
Success is- Knowing my purpose in life, my purpose in life is to help you in your endeavor,
and Growing to reach maximum potential, I have grown a lot by reading 400+ books,
and Sowing seeds that benefits others, I should be able to be of some benefit in your endeavor.
Success definition is important to help us move towards results.
I will not bog you down with the technologies,languages or frameworks or libraries.
I think that the libraries speak for themselves and they can be learned.
But still if the technologies are a concern for you then here they are:-
C,VC++, C#, VB, Python, IronPython, Java, Javascript, PHP. Dot Net, Dot Net Core, Win32 API, MFC, Windows Forms, WxWidgets, WxPython, Asp.net core, Spring, Django, Node.js, Express Js, Symfony, Laravel. Sql, Mysql, sqlite, postgresql, Analysis Services, Integration services. Bootstrap, Jquery, Jquery UI, Backbone, Angular, Knockout, SAP. Azure, PythonAnywhere.
See, why invest your precious time with technologies and languages and frameworks, it's not worth talking about if your business is not functioning well. Quit and proceed with something worthy of pursuing.
I don't have the time for this technology, that technology, Instead we need to talk about how to help you in your endeavor and your great mission of life. See, apps, databases, cloud computing they are all meaningless without a worthy purpose. If you have the slightest doubt that you are not investing your time in a worthy cause, this is where you need to change and get on with a worthy cause.
If still you are confused with what you want to do in life then believe in yourself and your business and surrender yourself to God. Hence, if in case you want my assistance in developing or helping you in your endeavor then you can contact me. I Understand Leadership, Teamwork and Marketing.
I hope that my blog will impact you by awakening something inside of you.
Great, Lets head to my blog....All the best in reading my posts and I am blessed for giving me a chance to create a positive influence on you....